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Learn if You Are a Good Fit for Level III Certification

Many people enter the world of nondestructive testing because of the endless opportunities for growth that the industry offers. Starting as Level I NDT technicians, they often make their way up to Level II certification within two or three years. That said, when it comes to advancing the career to the next level of Level III certification, they often find themselves in a dilemma of whether they are a good fit for it or not. 

If you are a part of this exciting, diverse industry as a Level I or II technician and thinking about getting into an NDT technician training program to obtain Level III certification, here’s how to know if you are a good fit or not:

You Possess a Growth Mindset

NDT career is all about growth and innovation. Why do you think there are so many certification levels? At every level, technicians gain some level of autonomy and are gradually given responsibilities. So, the industry is not for someone who wants little responsibilities and doesn’t find career growth satisfying. But if you like to learn and grow while handling new responsibilities, Level III certification is the right choice for you. 

You Think on Your Feet

Level III certification demands a great deal of experience in the industry and exceptional knowledge of different testing methods. With the certification also comes a high level of autonomy, which means that you no longer be monitored and supervised by a more experienced professional. But with autonomy comes challenges — the challenge to solve technical problems on your own while training beginners in NDT. If you think you are highly adaptable and have a knack for thinking outside the box, you should enroll in an NDT technician course for Level III certification.

You Can Handle Pressure

Level III technicians need to be able to handle pressure and meet deadlines effectively. Apart from applying your skills and experience at every step of the job, you will also be required to train NDT technicians who are new or less experienced than you. This requires someone who has been molded to face and overcome even the most pressing industry challenges without letting the stress affect their mental or physical health. If you think you can handle job pressure and perform well no matter the tasks, getting into an NDT technician training program to earn Level III certification should be your next step.

Final Thoughts

While the NDT career is not for everyone, those who like challenges and have a knack for finding irregularities and discontinuities even in the most symmetrical structures should go for an NDT training course and enjoy a high level of job satisfaction, a six-figure salary, and peace of mind.

 If you are considering Level III certification as the next step in your NDT career, feel free to get in touch with us. We offer certified NDT training programs featuring everything you need to become a skilled technician, from practical exposure to a wide range of commonly-used NDT techniques to hands-on experience to much more.

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