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STUDENT COMPLAINTS (Grievance Procedure)

Complaints are defined as any student concern regarding the school programs, services, or staff.  A student who has a concern about a school-related issue is encouraged to schedule a conference with the school director to find a resolution. If an issue is not resolved to a student's satisfaction through the conference, the student can file a formal complaint in writing with the school director who will formally investigate the complaint, take appropriate action, and provide a written response to the student by the the10th business days after the day the formal written complaint is received by a member of the school faculty or staff.  Note: a conference with the director is not required before a student files a formal written complaint.

Notification of Complaint to the Texas Workforce Commission

A student who is dissatisfied with the school director's response can file a complaint with the Texas Workforce Commission:

Texas Workforce Commission

Career Schools and Colleges, Room 226T

101 East 15thStreet

Austin, Texas 78778-0001

Phone: (512) 936-3100

Information on filing a complaint with TWC can be found on TWC’s Career Schools and

Colleges Website at  texasworkforce.org/careerschools.





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